Articles in this series
Welcome to a new series, "Mobile App Development in PicoLisp". As the title already tells, this series will explain how to write mobile apps in...
As described in the last post, before we can start writing our app in PicoLisp, we need to use a little tool to interface the Java API. This is...
In the last post, we have seen how to install the PilBox in Android (i. e.: just download it from the Google PlayStore). But there is not much we can...
In the last post, we have downloaded and checked the source code of some demo applications. Now let's see what we can do with the other built-in tool:...
In the last post, we have checked out the REPL. If you have used it, you might agree that it is not really adequate to write complex program. Typing...
As we already learned, the PilBox is a tool providing an interface to the Android Java runtime environment. Specifically, we are able to use most of...